Category Archives: Roads

Maintenance dues reminder

Reminder: Fleeton Beach maintenance dues are $125 and due June 1st of every year. These dues help maintain roads and other common areas of the community. If you haven’t already, please send your dues to:
Bill Webster
10 Cranes Bluff Court
Fredericksburg, Va. 22405
Homeowners who are current on their maintenance dues are able to vote at the meetings on Memorial and Labor days. Please make your voice heard and help maintain our beautiful Fleeton beach.

General Meeting Minutes Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fleeton Beach Association

General Meeting Minutes

Sunday, September 2, 2018

  • The meeting opened with President Lewis Lee recognizing and thanking several folks who have assisted Fleeton Beach over the summer:
  • The amazing road crew who have kept our roads in such great shape.
  •  Lisa Madison for keeping up the flower beds and landscaping at the community entrance.
  • Marie Johnson who researched all the current property owners to procure current home address.
  • Connie Leonard for her work on merging the bylaws with the original covenants and for preparing a member packet.
  • Bob LaChance for putting up the military and American flags along the entry road.

Minutes of the May meeting were presented.

Motion to approve: Marie Johnson

Second: Dave Miller


A question was asked about who was allowed to vote. Lewis explained that each property owner who is a paid up association member has one vote.

A question was asked about whether the association dues were considered an HOA fee. Lewis explained that the association is not an HOA (Homeowners Association). The $125 dues are used to maintain the roads, the public beach and other common areas throughout the community. The former term of “road fee” has been changed to “maintenance fee”.

Sunshine Hutchison brought up the issue of people speeding down Chesapeake Street without regard to the safety of the people’s homes along the way. She suggested lowering the speed limit to 10 miles per hour. She also asked about installing speed bumps. Someone suggested looking into manufactured speed bumps and renting speed light machines.

Barbara Newton brought up the problem of people walking their dogs on the beach and not cleaning up after them. She reminded everyone that many children play in the sand and the dog excrement is not a sanitary situation but one that can be controlled if dog walkers will remove what their pet leaves.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to the May 2019 meeting.


Fleeton Beach Bi-Annual Meeting, May 28, 2018

Fleeton Beach Bi-Annual Meeting

May 28, 2018

Meeting was called to order by Lewis Lee, President.

All Directors in attendance.

Lewis Lee – President

Bob LaChance – Vice President

Bill Webster – Treasurer

Jim Filson – Secretary (arrived late)

Lewis commented on the great cooks and turn out at the Memorial picnic.

September 3, 2017, HOA Meeting Minutes were sent to all members via email. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer, Bill Webster, summarized the financials. A reminder to all owners that there is a $75 annual dues for maintenance of the roadway and common area of the Fleeton Beach community. If members want to see where you stand with dues please see Bill and/or Denise after the meeting. Also, please feel free to follow up with them at any time. Financials were approved.

It has been asked by the community that dog owners be respectful of others by confining your pet to your yard or on a leash when outside your property. Pets chasing people or roaming is unacceptable and it is the owners responsibility to maintain their pets. It is important as a pet owner to pick up after your pet.

New Business

Roadway improvements are maintained by Cris, Gene and Bill. A big thanks goes out to the roadway maintenance crew.

Open discussion about golf carts and speeds. Golf carts should obey the community posted speeds. There was a discussion about limiting the age to drive a golf cart in the community and the resolution was that this is a family issue to address and not for the Board. Parents are responsible for the operation and use of the golf cart and whom uses them.

There was a motion to increase the maintenance dues from $75 to $125 to address the continued maintenance of the common area and roadways. The Board express concerns that if the community was damaged by a future storms it may not have the funds to address the improvements and cleanup of the common area and roadways. The motion was presented and was approved with a first by Susan Carroll and a second by Marie Johnson.

A note to all was voiced – that picking up trash is a community responsibility. Pitch in and if you see trash, please pick it up.

A motion that passed to merge the original Bayshore covenants with the association by-laws adopted in 2007. The President committed to take up with attorney to get it done and send to members before finalized. The motion was first and second before passed Jim Filson will put a letter together for owners to provide their contractor to share the rules and drive speeds within the community.

Some Reminders

No parking at the flag pole, at the beach access, or kayak access area. You may unload and take vehicle back to your residences.

No Bonfires are allowed on the common area; Beach, because it may not be safe for the young kids playing in the sand in the mornings.

During the holidays people enjoy watching and setting off fireworks. Please be safe and considerate of others in the community. Remember to always be safe.

The meeting was adjourned

These minutes have been approved by the Board


Meeting Minutes May 25th, 2014

Lewis Lee called the meeting of the Fleeton Beach Homeowners Association to order at 6:00 PM on May 25th, 2014.  He opened the meeting by reading a Memorial Day tribute presented by Bob Rose.  Lewis then read the minutes from the September meeting.  After asking for corrections or additions to the minutes, Rod Pierce motioned the minutes be accepted as read.  Barbara Dove seconded the motion.  Michael DeGroot read the treasurer’s report and asked that those have not sent their dues for 2014 do so.  Michael explained that more than $2000.00 is still owed.  Lewis suggested that we contact Michael if we are not sure of our status (804-453-3183 or

Lewis explained that insurance is for liability coverage.  Our insurance covers all of our officers, the road, public areas such as the beach, the boardwalk, and the area adjacent to Taskmakers and any other common areas.  Bob LaChance motioned we accept this responsibility and Rod Pierce seconded the motion.  The recent survey was available for all to see and understand where the common areas are.

Bob LaChance had three washouts in front of his property which he had Glenn Lester fix to Bob’s satisfaction.  Bob will contact Glenn Lester and request he look at the washouts in the common area and get a price for fixing them.  Judith DeGroot moved we increase the available money for fixing the washouts from $500.00 to $1000.00 to prevent having to call another meeting.  Rod Pierce seconded the motion, which carried.

Lewis read an excerpt from the original deed: “The said grantors (the developers) do also convey to the said grantees (purchasers) and their successors in title, a right-of-way shown on said plat, and the right of user in common with others for all of the usual purposes of all beaches and parks shown on said plat.”  In other words, the original developers, trading as the Bayshore Company, still own all the roads and common areas, with the lot owners of Fleeton Beach having right-of-way use.  Lewis went on to explain that Les Kilduff, the attorney hired by the Association, feels the expense of trying to pursue the ownership of the roads does not provide any direct benefit to the landowners or the Association, and would not be a worthy investment because it also does not lesson the liability of the property owners or the Association.  Given this, since all lot owners use the roads and common areas, it is our responsibility for their care and maintenance.  One way for lot owners to help provide this care and maintenance is by paying the annual dues to the Fleeton Beach Association, which provides the funding to maintain these areas.  The sole purpose of the Association is to maintain these areas for the safe use of all.