General Meeting Minutes Sunday, September 2, 2018

Fleeton Beach Association

General Meeting Minutes

Sunday, September 2, 2018

  • The meeting opened with President Lewis Lee recognizing and thanking several folks who have assisted Fleeton Beach over the summer:
  • The amazing road crew who have kept our roads in such great shape.
  •  Lisa Madison for keeping up the flower beds and landscaping at the community entrance.
  • Marie Johnson who researched all the current property owners to procure current home address.
  • Connie Leonard for her work on merging the bylaws with the original covenants and for preparing a member packet.
  • Bob LaChance for putting up the military and American flags along the entry road.

Minutes of the May meeting were presented.

Motion to approve: Marie Johnson

Second: Dave Miller


A question was asked about who was allowed to vote. Lewis explained that each property owner who is a paid up association member has one vote.

A question was asked about whether the association dues were considered an HOA fee. Lewis explained that the association is not an HOA (Homeowners Association). The $125 dues are used to maintain the roads, the public beach and other common areas throughout the community. The former term of “road fee” has been changed to “maintenance fee”.

Sunshine Hutchison brought up the issue of people speeding down Chesapeake Street without regard to the safety of the people’s homes along the way. She suggested lowering the speed limit to 10 miles per hour. She also asked about installing speed bumps. Someone suggested looking into manufactured speed bumps and renting speed light machines.

Barbara Newton brought up the problem of people walking their dogs on the beach and not cleaning up after them. She reminded everyone that many children play in the sand and the dog excrement is not a sanitary situation but one that can be controlled if dog walkers will remove what their pet leaves.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to the May 2019 meeting.